Scripture Crumbs

Each day I read my Bible, looking for God’s special word for me. Today I began the discipline of journaling those thoughts and ways God is prompting me as I pour over His Word. It’s been awhile since I have had an “official” journal, and it made me smile when I realized how happy I was to pick out a pretty notebook and begin writing on the first blank page.

My new journal

With this busy season in my life, I am finding it difficult to write more in-depth devotional blog posts (though I have more than five just waiting to be fleshed out). So, in-between sharing how God is shaping me through my everyday experiences with my children and my family, I want to share my day-in-day-out Scripture Crumbs.

These “crumbs” come from my personal time with God. As a mom, I have gone through countless articles of clothing marred by slobbery mouths, spilled milk, peanut butter and jelly hands and stray markers. Just as my children eating crackers equals crumbs on them and eventually me, I want to more regularly share with you these spiritual crumbs: truths God impresses on my heart as I dig into His Word, that I wear on my sleeves during the day as a reminder to myself and others. They may not be deep theological discourses, but they are the little nuggets that change my perspective, open my eyes or remind me of the preciousness of my Savior.

I hope God will touch your life with these crumbs as He has mine.

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